How To Develop A New Supplement Formulation
Do you have an idea for a great new supplement formulation? For example, do you have a blend of ingredients in mind that would make a good weight loss or depression supplement? Maybe you are unsure which specific ingredients to include and in what dosages in order to ensure that your new supplement formulation is both safe and effective.
Or do you already have a supplement formulation that you came up with, but would like to get the advice and help of a professional before bringing your supplement to market? If one of these scenarios describes your situation, then you need the expertise of Make A Supplement. We are a group of PhD scientists, medical doctors and naturopathic doctors who specialize in formulating supplements. Let us help you create a new supplement formulation that is safe and effective.
When the team at Make A Supplement produces a new supplement formulation, we guide you through the entire process from beginning to end. Here are the steps we take to ensure your supplement is safe and effective, and can compete in today’s market.
1. Look through the competition’s formulations to see all the ingredients currently being used
2. Search for any additional ingredient possibilities not yet being used
3. Thoroughly review the published scientific literature (plus patents if relevant) for each possible ingredient
4. Compile a document of this information
5. Based on all the information gathered, make a recommendation on which ingredients to include in the supplement and at what dosages
6. Adjust that based on safety data, known side effects and potential interactions
7. Write up the findings, listing the chosen ingredients, their dosages and their benefits
8. Write a batch sheet for the manufacturer
9. Recommend good manufacturers and fulfillment centers
10. Handle any questions from your chosen manufacturer on the supplement formulation
With these 10 steps, we are able to produce a great supplement formulation, and at the same time minimize your liability and maximize your profit.
In addition to formulating supplements, we also endorse some supplements. Perhaps you already have a supplement formulation out on the market, but feel that it could be selling better. An endorsement from a medical doctor or PhD scientist in the supplement field could be just what you need. Send us the details of your supplement formulation and if we find it to be both safe and effective based on scientific evidence, we can provide you with a written, photo or video endorsement that could help increase your supplement’s credibility and hence sales.
Please contact us for more information regarding pricing for your supplement formulation or endorsement.